Meet the team: Adam Ho, Managing Director

In 2019 you took the leap and bought Jobskin, what lead you to make this career change?
My mother has always taught me to help people and better the lives of others and I think the healthcare is an industry that does that. Since leaving university I've worked for Healthcare compa-nies, but more in a spreadsheets and analytical capacity. When the opportunity came up to be able to invest and lead a company within the healthcare industry, and more specifically Jobskin, it was one that I couldn't pass up.
What really gave me the confidence to go ahead with Jobskin was the real passion and pride that everyone in the company had for the garments they made or were involved in, and I knew that they were as invested into the company and product as I will be.
What is something about the garment process, from order to dispatch, that has surprised you?
The level of customisation that goes into each garment! There is a lot of planning and design work around how to best fit the garment to each individual user and it really is the cornerstone of what makes our product unique.
Which garment design or colour arrangement has caught your eye since starting at Jobskin, and why?
I've always liked bold contrasting colours, black and whites, purples and oranges. However for me the garment that stands out the most is the blue and red Spiderman themed glove we made, as it was made for a colleague's son who had suffered burns injuries.
If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Haha, I've given this one a bit of thought (probably a bit too much). Some ideas included a line from Eminem's "Without me" that goes "Guess who's back, back again, Adam's back, tell a friend". But I'm also a huge Star Wars fan and walking into a room and having the Imperial March play would be quite cool.
In the end the winner for me is the first 10 or so seconds of the Indiana Jones theme song. It adds a bit of spice and excitement to any conceivable situation so I think that'll be my choice for now (imagines self running and diving into meeting rooms, across conference tables and out of danger…)